Help us Save the Planet! Let’s Go Green Together.

Help us save the planet! Let’s Go Green Together.

In addition to clinical quality, As-Salam International hospital is obliged to be socially responsible, to transcend local moralities, and promote transnational values that are following international conventions of the abstention of any environmental damage.

We are striving to balance between our organization’s growth and responsibility towards our society at large, nevertheless, we have started with the following steps that we believe have a remarkable help in sustaining our mission towards a safer and friendlier environment for our visitors.


1. Using local food products. Our hospital cafeteria serves hundreds of people every day, and the food source could have had a dramatic effect on the hospital’s environmental impact. Through our Supply chain we were able to contract with local vendors that rely on locally grown fresh products, thus minimize gasoline consumption required to ship and refrigerate fruits and veggies from distant locations.

2. Conserving water consumption. We try our best to promote the conservation in excessive use of water, at visitors’ toilets and showers.


3. Save energy. Reducing energy use and carbon output is particularly tricky for hospitals, but not impossible. Yet, we have initiated a campaign amongst our staff especially admins to turn off their computers and laptops as well as room lights before leaving their offices.


4. Change waste disposal protocols. With the help of our Safety, infection control, and clinical departments we are able to regulate medical waste production and safe disposal of medical waste through an approved supplier that handles this medical waste in an environmentally safe manner.

5. Recycling bins. We have provided recycling segregating bins at all hospital entrances, waiting areas and floors to help with recycling goods such as plastic, papers, metal and glass properly.

Rania Nader