Dr Maissa Mohammed
Dr Maissa Mohammed
Dr Maissa Mohammed
-President of Egyptian Society of Chest Medicine and Tuberculosis ESCT and editor of ESCTJ published by Elsevier
-Head of the scientific committee of Chest Diseases, Ministry of Health and Population since 2011
-Member of the International Membership Committee of ACCP since 2008
-Member of the International Education Committee of ACCP since 2008 Member of the editorial board of CHEST Journal ME edition (the American College Of Chest Physicians official journal) since 2008
-Member of the EUPC Egyptian Universities Promotion Committee (2008-2013) and (2005-2008)
-Member of the Europian Respiratory Society (ERS) assembly for Asthma which is responsible for issuing the --Global Initiative of Asthma guidelines GINA since 2010
-Member of the Europian Respiratory Society (ERS) assembly for COPD which is responsible for issuing the Guidelines of Obstructive Lung Disease since 2010
-Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians since 1991
. -Governor of the Egyptian Chapter of ACCP ( Nov. 2000 – 2003).
-Regent of the Egyptian Chapter of ACCP ( Nov. 2003 – 2009).
-Contributor to the “ Egyptian Guidelines for Respiratory Tract Infections“ (2013) published by the Egyptian society of chest diseases and tuberculosis.
-Contributor to the “ Egyptian Guidelines for Asthma Management “ (1999) published by the Egyptian society of chest diseases and tuberculosis.
-Contributor of the “ National COPD Guidelines “ -Contributor of the book “ TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL GUIDE “ published by the Ministry of Health and Population
-Member of European Respiratory Society
-Fellow of the Royal College of Medicine