Prof Dr Ashraf Abou-Elela
Prof Dr Ashraf Abou-Elela
Prof Dr Ashraf Abou-Elela is a Professor of Urology, Faculty Of Medicine, Cairo University.
Head of Urology Department and the Renal Transplantation Team, As-Salam International Hospital, Maadi Cairo-Egypt.
Consultant of Urology and member of the Renal Transplantation Team, Al-Salam Hospital Mohandseen, and Cairo Kidney Centre.
Member of Egyptian, American, European Association of Urology and Endourological Society. He Authored many Articles and chapters in international journals and books covering various fields of Urology.
He is a Reviewer of many International Journals of Urology including the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Endourology, the Current Urology European Journal of Surgical Oncology, and the International Braz J. Uro.
-Ashraf Abou-Elela.Augmentation Cystoplasty: in Pretransplant Recipients (Chapter). Kidney 953-307-469-6
-A Novel anti Reflux technique for orthotopic ileal bladder substitutes: Flat segment technique, preliminary results.ISRN Urology
-Orthotopic Ileal bladder substitution following radical cystectomy using the linear cutter stapling devices.
-Inverted Ureteric Nipple as an Antireflux Technique in the Surgical Management of Bilharzial Ureteric Strictures
. -Use of oxidized cellulose hemostats(surgical)to support parenchymal closure and achieve hemostasis following partial nephrectomy