Keeping Patients Safe, Corona or Not!

If there’s a single word to describe the general theme of 2020, it seems to be: anxiety. How do I keep my family safe? Should I be disinfecting my groceries? Is this just a cold or should I be worried? How do I balance some semblance of normalcy with hyper-vigilance?


The scariest question, however, is what happens if I or someone I love do contract coronavirus? Or even: what if I need to go to a hospital, but I’m too scared to get COVID-19 there? With so much misinformation and conflicting reports about what hospitals are doing, As-Salam International Hospital is giving answers to ease our troubles, and letting us know what we can expect if, God forbid, we need medical attention, COVID-related or not.


The hospital has dedicated different entrances for patients that are suspected of infection and those who are not, and if any patient being admitted has a high temperature or any other symptom—even if they’re being admitted for something else—they enter through the respiratory emergency entrance.


Through the dedicated pathway, suspected cases are led to the isolation area, where all staff wear full personal protection equipment. The air pathway inside the isolation area is completely separated, as well as equipped with Germicidal UVC with activated carbon and HEPA Filter to ensure 0% contamination of air flow in other parts of the hospital.


The hospital is also putting outpatients’ minds at ease, applying strict procedures for safety, equipping outpatient clinics and centers with sanitization devices and heat-measuring systems right at the entrance, further curtailing infection. Patients unable to make it to the outpatient center can also opt for home visits and tele-medicine services.

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Rania Nader