Back-To-School Checkup Packages From As-Salam International Hospital
As-Salam International Hospital believes in the importance of building a powerful new generation, As-Salam International Hospital announces Back-To-School Checkup Package, which includes many medical examinations and tests at a 30% discount.
Back-To-School Checkup Package provides you with all the necessary medical examinations and tests to start a healthy new year.
The package includes:
Internal Medicine Consultation
Ophthalmology Consultation
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Routine
X-Ray Chest One View
Medical Tests
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Blood Sugar (Random)
HBS AG Elisa
HCV AB Elisa
ABO - RH Grouping
Stool Examination
Urine Examination
Book now!
Call 19885 to book Back-To-School Checkup Package using the latest technology and medical equipment provided by As-Salam International Hospital with the most experienced medical staff.