Healthy Lungs, Better Life

Do you remember to think about your lungs while you're thinking about your health? It is easy to forget that your lungs need to be strong and healthy, you can not see them, and you breathe without even thinking about it. Healthy lungs, on the other hand, are crucial to your general health. 

Improving your lungs health supports proper lung function, allows you to stay active, and enhances your overall quality of life.

Spend Time Outside

Make it a habit to get outside every day and take in some fresh air. Outdoor air quality is usually superior to interior air quality.

Having more time outside decreases your exposure to contaminants found in indoor air. Just remember to be safe in the sun and protect your skin from UV rays.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is beneficial to your overall health and also promotes optimal lung function. Drinking water thins the mucus generated by the lungs, making it easier to breathe, especially important for those suffering from lung illnesses such as COPD.

Do Not Smoke

Tobacco smoking is the primary cause of COPD, lung cancer, and avoidable deaths. 

Beginning non-smoker or quitting smoking maintains your lungs health and reduces your chance of chronic lung illnesses considerably.

It is never too late to put an end to smoking. Quitting smoking at any age has health advantages and enhances your quality of life.

Maintain An Active Lifestyle Through Exercising And Staying Active

You are aware that you must exercise your muscles to maintain them healthy. Your lungs, too, require stimulation! Regular everyday activities will not strain your lungs as hard as they should. Choose physical activity and exercise that raises your heart rate and causes you to breathe more deeply.

Physical activity strengthens your lungs, enhances lung capacity, and aids in lung cleaning.

Try Basic Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises, like physical activity, can help strengthen your lungs, enhance lung function, expand lung capacity, and clean your lungs. Breathing exercises, unlike physical exercise, may be done at your workplace or throughout your commute.

Stay Away From Respiratory Illnesses

A respiratory infection has an immediate impact on lungs health; it can also develop significant consequences.

  • Make it a habit to wash your hands with soap and water.

  • Touch your face sparingly, especially with unclean hands.

  • When the transmission is widespread in your community, avoid close contact with others.

  • If you are sick, stay at home to protect others.

  • Obtain vaccinations against respiratory diseases such as the flu virus.

As-Salam International Hospital recommends that you discuss lung health during your next annual checkup. Mention any respiratory difficulties you're having, and tell your doctor whether you smoke, vape, or used to smoke.

Your primary care physician will work with you to achieve your objective of having healthy lungs.

Learn more about the Pulmonary diseases and COPD Department at As-Salam International Hospital and book with one of our experienced consultants.

Margerite Botros